Haha, just kidding, no I didn't find my prince charming... however I have had a couple weeks with Prince George just hanging with my family and my dog, etc.
It's been crazy adjusting back to life on land, really busy (I bought a house!)

and really relaxing (thank you SALTS for the massage and pedicure!)

and I have to say that after last offshore I was missing the boat and the life terribly, but this time I'm not as much and I think the difference is that I know that I will be going back and that those people (because that really what you are missing) will be around and in touch and thats an exciting prospect.
I realized when I came up here that all my close friends have now moved away (actually closer to Vic, if not in Vic) which is good, except when I come back here to visit. It did allow me however to spend some quality time with the fam: bbq's, going to the lake, camping, getting my wisdom tooth out (wait that wasn't so much fun!), walking the dog, movies, etc.

The weather was great, sort of, until it started pouring rain at the most unexpected moments. For example, when my sister and I had pitched the tent (with no tarp of course) and spent a beautiful afternoon laying in the camp chairs and swimming (yes, swimming in the northern lakes, it was that hot! and remember I'm used to the warm waters of the south pacific, and the somewhat cooler waters of Hawaii...)then just as we light the fire it starts pouring cats and dogs on us as we scramble around trying to get the tarp up and the wood out of the rain. No joke, we watched the rain come over the lake like a squall in the middle of the Pacific!; or the next night when all of a sudden we get these thundershowers and lightening...out of nowhere! (we were not camping anymore at this point)
Next up, back south for Cirque, Salmon, Storage Lockers, and Sailing... I'll keep you posted.
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