
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Ode to my Fireplace

Due to family persistence I will continue to update, inconsistently, for the time being.

I would like to present a special thank you to my fireplace for the extra service it rendered during a very cold week in November when my furnace decided to commit suicide.

Since being in this house I have continually been surprised by the number of DIY projects where the "handyman" definitely didn't know how to do it themselves... The most recent in these findings was after my furnace quite working and both the upstairs and my suite were plunged into the cool temperatures of around 12-15 degrees...brrrr. I called my trusty furnace repairman, who helped me last year when my thermostat wasn't working properly, to take a look. He found a very jery-rigged system where the spring that opens the furnace has broken and so they had set up a little piece of copper pipe to hold the furnace continually open...this means that basically the furnace is always powered, not just when I tell it to be. So then it overheated part of the control panel and basically killed itself to prevent further overheating of the electrics.
Well $400 later I can now walk into my home after work and not have to go old school lighting a fire to keep myself from freezing! Although I would like to say that my little fireplace managed to boost the temperature quite quickly from around 14 to 20 last night in about an hour. And it was pretty nice to have an excuse to light a fire every evening, and wonderful to sit in front of with a nice cup of tea. The worst part in the whole ordeal was waking up to a cold house and knowing it wasn't going to heat up all day!

Wow, two posts in a week! That leaves me a solid amount of time before I need to feel guilt for not posting...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I Give up.


So I'm not usually one to give up on things, actually I don't ever do it really, however, I am giving up the blog... "Inconsistently Updated" has turned into never updated, and it all gets linked and forwarded to my facebook page anyways so why have double? At least that's what I figure. So for anyone who actually checked in here (mom) I'm sorry and you'll just have to turn into a facebook stalker like the rest of the world.

Take Care,