
Monday, August 26, 2013

Growth Chart Ruler

Okay folks, 

I'm 1 for 1 and here's the first project.  I've been wanting to do this one for a while now, finally got around to it! In total this project cost under $5. Including gas... 

I live so close to a lovely bike/walking trail it seemed a shame not to take advantage of the beautiful weather we've been having. Plus, this way the babe got out for a walk too! The exchange with the employee (let's call him Dave) at Lumberworld went something like this:

Me: "I need a 1x8 x6ft of something cheap... it's for a craft, not building" (CLEARLY I know what I'm talking about here....)
Dave: "Um, okay. I'll go get that for you while you pay. Where are you parked I'll bring it out to you?"
Me: "No car, I'm walking"
Dave: "You're gonna carry it?"
Me: "No I'm gonna balance it on the stroller"
Dave: Eyebrows raise  "Okay... I'll meet you out front..."

I got more than a few funny looks on the way home, but the BOB stroller is amazing! I'm pretty sure there's not much it can't do and by the time I was home I was ready to get underway.

Supplies Needed:
- 1 x 8 x 6 board (I used fir, but pine would work great too. Something you can see some knots/grain gives it some good character) 
- Stain
- Rubber gloves
- Old rag
- Ruler/Measuring tape
- Sharpie
- Printer

Step 1: Antique-ify my board with some stain. I had this
Minwax in Dark Walnut kicking around from the Glassless Picture Frame project last summer and I love the colour, so it was perfect.
I just rubbed it straight in with an old rag rather than paint it on first as I didn't want it to go too dark.

Step 2: Once that is dry, mark off in pencil every 1/2 inch with your ruler. Then with a sharpie bold the lines. I used 1/2" & 1 1/2" lines as my ruler marks and a 2" line for each foot marking.


Step 3: I printed off my numbers at a 200 size font, shaded them with pencil on the back, and then pressed hard with my pencil to outline the numbers. Once I lifted the paper I could then trace the numbers in with my black sharpie. Easy Peasy and no free handing! 

***Make sure when you commit your numbers to the board you take into account how high you'll be hanging your ruler!*** (I'm hanging 8" off the ground, so my marks start accordingly)


Step 4:  Step back and admire your work! Now I just have to be patient until the little guy can actually stand next to it to measure him.


How'd I do?
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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pin, Lose or Draw!

New phase, new title.

 As previously mentioned I was looking for a new blog title as the times have changed and I was lacking for inspiration. But lets just switch things up: enter PINSPIRATION!

As many have lately, I too have become a bit of a Pinterest junkie. It's like the ultimate dream space... Except that I pin a LOT and don't actually follow through on many of these brilliant ideas.  Now I could come up with many excuses such as:

  1. Having a new baby at home (4 months... 'nuff said)
  2. I'd rather dream about how amazing these projects will turn out than actually try to pull them off
  3. My dear husband just went back to work after we decided that "living the dream" (thanks Government of Canada) and not working wasn't paying our bills... funny
  4. It's sunny outside! Who wants to stay inside and do crafts?
  5. It's raining outside! How dreary... I don't feel like doing anything...
  6. and the list goes on and on
But! Let's change that attitude and get back on the "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can" train.

So I'll boldly proclaim that I will weekly (I was about to write daily, but let's be realistic here) post about a Pinterest Project and then you can decide if it's a pinterest win, lose, or draw.

Are you game? I am!

Friday, August 02, 2013

Thoughts from a "__________"

I'm changing the title of this blog. But to what? It once was "Thoughts from a Sailor" and while that was appropriate at the time I am no longer spending the majority of my time sailing the seven beautiful seas, so as the times change so too must this title.

These days I wouldn't call myself a sailor anymore,  

 but rather a mother, 

a wife, 

a yogi

a sister, a daughter, a friend, a regular old gal...  

I would say that, despite waking up in the middle of the night to feed a hungry baby, losing my entire adult lexicon to spend most of my day speaking babble, changing dirty diapers, this list goes on.... 

I love my life. my family. my friends. my community.

So as for the new title. Let's say it's in the works and in the meantime perhaps I will start to more consistently update my life.