Okay, so call me insane, but I have willingly agreed, under no coercion to do 30 Bikram (Hot) Yoga classes in 30 days.
Here are the stats:
Temperature: The room is 105 degrees Fahrenheit (that's about 40 degrees Celsius) It's hot, think Tropical Heat for those who have experience that.
Humidity: usually somewhere between 40% and 50% - although it varies with the number of students (as does the temperature for that matter) more students = more heat = more sweat = more humidity (that's kinda gross when you think about it....)
Postures: There are 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises done in the same order every class, each posture preparing you for the next one in the series. The first half of the class is standing, and the second half is done on the floor.
Time: 90 minutes every time
Okay so why am I doing this? Well...
1/ I love hot yoga.
2/ I'm paying for a membership, might as well get my money's worth
3/ It's a huge challenge, but one that I think I can complete. The hardest part won't be going to class, it'll be finding the time to go to the classes. With my current word schedule I can't make a morning class, which means that every day after work I will be going to the yoga studio.
4/ It feels amazing
5/ I get to put a sticker beside my name every day!
p.s. Did I mention I coerced my sister into taking this insanity on with me???
Okay, so here is challenge part two. To try and write every day about how the challenge is going. Today at the studio one of the instructors said to my sister (who is fairly new to bikram yoga) "Don't worry, you should be fine after the first ten days." Ten? Really? makes me nervous.
Link to my studio: Bikram Yoga Saanich