Halloween 2013. My internal brain dialogue went something like this:
"Meh, I haven't dressed up for halloween for awhile..."
"The baby doesn't need a costume. He's not going trick or treating."
"Um... but it's his first halloween! What kind of mother are you!?"
"Okay... but it's the morning of Halloween. I didn't do this ahead of time! Shoot!"
"I can probably pull off that koala idea... oh no! He's awake."
"Okay, lets do this. Sewing the costume while the baby is awake. Perfect. Not."
But it all worked out in the end. And here are the basics so you too can have yourself a little koala :) It turned out so cute I might just keep the toque going for a while and pull out the ears after Halloween.
You'll need:
1 white baby toque
2 black buttons (for eyes)
1 pair of grey baby socks
Some black fabric or felt for the nose
Grey Clothing (I taped the white patch on the tummy, but stitched on felt would probably be nicer if you were more on the ball than me and thought ahead of time)
Stitch it up, find your green and brown garb, grab yourself some leaves to make a crown and Voila! Baby Koala in the Tree :) I'm pretty proud of this one actually...
I thought the grey socks added a cute touch for the legs instead of pants. (also I didn't have grey baby pants that fit) And who can resist a cute baby diaper bum?
He certainly seemed to like think it was a pretty swell costume. And now this mama can tell her son that he had a first halloween costume. Crisis averted!