This week was an interesting one... at least I think interesting is the right word to use when you get 30 home schooled kids between 12 and 19 locked up together on a boat for a week.
It actually was just a lot of fun. Everyone single one of them had a personality, to say the least, and since they hadn't met before it had more resemblance to a summer trip than most school trips do. They were a gullible bunch (I think that all my lies are going to catch up with me one day...) and a group that got excited about everything. There is something special about taking groups from outside the lower mainland to a tide pool or beach and seeing them look at shells and barnacles as if they are special treasures made just for their hunt.
Thanks to my previously mentioned ninja training (and icebreaker base layer) I was dramatically warmer this week, and another promo for Icebreaker here, I actually didn't take it off all week and no it didn't stink! It has however slowly been warming up lately, I even got outside today to do some gardening which was lovely and relaxing. Although I need to figure out which ones are weeds and which ones aren't...
Also my sister came to see me this weekend and helped me clean my house, which was the most amazing gift ever (thanks again!) I am once again enjoying living in a sparklingly home with a back entry that I can walk through!
Off for another week.
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