
Sunday, February 10, 2008

Waves at the Fifth Level

Well as you can gather I am still in Okinawa...we have been waiting for the weather for what seems like forever, but it has also worked in our favour as well with a myriad of things that have come up. I have spent more time at the hospital than I ever wanted to, but everyones got the drugs they need, and the sore throats and weird tropical skin things that offshore is so famous for are all well on their way to healing.

The forecast lately has been for 4-6 metre seas (12-20 feet) abd 30-40 knots of wind...we do NOT want to be out in a gale like that, but things are starting to calm down now, so hopefully its off to sea tomorrow.

I have enjoyed Japan thoroughly and am excited to return at the end of this leg, but I am definately looking forward to being back at sea and something new in China. We get to sail up the Yangtzee River into the heart of Shanghai, which will be unbelievable if my imagination comes true.

Some notes on the Japanese:
- they are extremely organized (there are four different kinds garbage cans and even your monorail tickets end up in the trash, Paris could learn from this!)
- everything is very quiet (a downtown busy intersection sounds like a quiet suburban one in Canada, they really know how to make mufflers I guess)
- they are fastidiously clean (and I, a dirty sailor, am cleaner for it as well)
- when it come to presentation they cant be beat ( I dont even mind all the excessive packaging beacuse their disposal system is so good)
- everyone dresses very well (or at least what the magazines say is well...)
- they live longer, and look younger (our engineer lisaon is 70-somthing, and I wouldnt have guess him a day over 45)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey sarah,

Ive been reading some of your blogs. good stuff. I saw that not alot of people comment, so i figured i'd throw down. Im glad kate has some good friends to help take care of her for me. That girl is priceless. Hope you're havin fun, and im sure we'll talk when all this madness is over.
