
Friday, August 02, 2013

Thoughts from a "__________"

I'm changing the title of this blog. But to what? It once was "Thoughts from a Sailor" and while that was appropriate at the time I am no longer spending the majority of my time sailing the seven beautiful seas, so as the times change so too must this title.

These days I wouldn't call myself a sailor anymore,  

 but rather a mother, 

a wife, 

a yogi

a sister, a daughter, a friend, a regular old gal...  

I would say that, despite waking up in the middle of the night to feed a hungry baby, losing my entire adult lexicon to spend most of my day speaking babble, changing dirty diapers, this list goes on.... 

I love my life. my family. my friends. my community.

So as for the new title. Let's say it's in the works and in the meantime perhaps I will start to more consistently update my life.

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