
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pin, Lose or Draw!

New phase, new title.

 As previously mentioned I was looking for a new blog title as the times have changed and I was lacking for inspiration. But lets just switch things up: enter PINSPIRATION!

As many have lately, I too have become a bit of a Pinterest junkie. It's like the ultimate dream space... Except that I pin a LOT and don't actually follow through on many of these brilliant ideas.  Now I could come up with many excuses such as:

  1. Having a new baby at home (4 months... 'nuff said)
  2. I'd rather dream about how amazing these projects will turn out than actually try to pull them off
  3. My dear husband just went back to work after we decided that "living the dream" (thanks Government of Canada) and not working wasn't paying our bills... funny
  4. It's sunny outside! Who wants to stay inside and do crafts?
  5. It's raining outside! How dreary... I don't feel like doing anything...
  6. and the list goes on and on
But! Let's change that attitude and get back on the "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can" train.

So I'll boldly proclaim that I will weekly (I was about to write daily, but let's be realistic here) post about a Pinterest Project and then you can decide if it's a pinterest win, lose, or draw.

Are you game? I am!

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