
Tuesday, June 26, 2007


So I finally got my but in gear and after loving the day I spent kayaking last fall, I rented a kayaking and went out again...it only took my sister coming all the way from Prince George to keep me from being "too lazy." It was a perfect day to go out, nice and sunny, but with a bit of cloud cover so you don't get too sweltering!
Last fall I went out from Sidney and paddled over to Portland Island. This time we decided to do something closer to home and rented a double from downtown and paddled up the Gorge and around the Inner Harbour a bit.
The Gorge starts out very industrial, but as soon as you cross the Bay Street Bridge it is beautiful and peaceful. We didn't meet many other paddlers, just one or two and a couple of Harbour ferries giving a tour.
I checked the tide/current before leaving and found out that slack water under the Tillicum bridge was at 1400, which suited us perfectly since that was around the time we would be crossing under it. We got shot out going through and had an exciting paddle back under, but made it through on our first try... poor Leighsa, her foot pedal got stuck on the first attempt and she got swung back out in the current. Apparently it can get to be quite the whitewater scene in there when the current is racing. I would have liked to see what it looked like this morning at 0600 when it was doing over 7 kts! Crazy!

Monday, June 25, 2007


Wow, the spring season has officially ended. I now have 3 months, 10 trips, 110 days before I board the Pacific Grace in Figi. Not that I have been counting (seriously I just counted now for this blog)
But to celebrate the ending of the spring season we have about 5 days off before the first ten day summer trip starts. I am so excited about the summer, but definately looking forward to some rest. Plus my sister came to visit me as an added bonus.
So far lots of shopping (see below for the sexy new shoes my sister bought) But tomorrow we are planning on going kayaking, and enjoying more of the beautiful weather we have been blessed with this week.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

In Which the She-Wo goes in...Again.

I should also mention, I went in again.... and no I wasn't much more prepared for it this time, than the last. The last trip I did (in the middle of my first aid course) we took the first day and rigged up the main tops'l. The boys were taking a while to furl so I leaned out the aftcabin quarterberth window in an attemp to view their progress when I felt my sunglasses fall off the back of my head! AAAAAAAAH. I quickly turned around and saw them ever so slowly sinking, and not so slowly getting pulled back in the current. So quickly weighing the odds of getting wet versus losing my sunglasses I, after not being able to reach them from the boat) launched myself out of the window and into the ocean. At first I couldn't see the glasses and thoughtI must have pushed them down, but then I looked up and they were floating just above my head. I quickly grabbed them and passed them up to Drew (the first mate) before swimming over to the rope ladder that had been thrown over to me once again.
I maintain that my fate was sealed before I went in, because Drew and Leighsa (the cook) had been taking about how it would be funny if I fell in again, just momements before.

3 Down, None to Go

Finished! I've been in boat withdrawal lately, although I havent had too much time to worry about it. The last week has been spent at an Advanced Wilderness First Aid course. This is an 80 hour course, the outdoor equivalent of OFA3 if you will. It was a great course, although I'm not used to sitting in a classroom any more, so that part was a stretch, but I got through okay.
I took the course with Slipstream Wilderness First Aid, and one of my favourite parts about this company is that when we practice our skills we do most of the scenarios outside. We spent a lot of the class out at place called Mt. Work doing scenarios in the bush and down by the water at Mckenzie Bight. It was a fun to be learning, but not have to be in the classroom.
The last day(on thursday) was test day. We had three exams to do. A Trauma scenario, and Illness scenario, and a written test. I was really nervous in the morning, mostly because I had never got to do a trauma scenario in the class because I had missed those days to take a trip on the boat, but everything went well. I passed with flying colours and now I have couple years before I have to recertify again.
Now I am back on the boat again tomorrow and have two three day trips before the summer season (ten day trips) starts up again. I also realized, that at the end of this week I will have only 10 trips left before I head to Figi. CRAZY!
Can't wait for the summer to start!
Hope everyone is doing great.
love ya!

Monday, June 04, 2007

They Left.

The Pacific Grace left me yesterday on her year long voyage. I won't say I didn't shed a few tears. They kept coming in bursts and then I'd push them back down and then they'd come out again. It was hard to watch the people that I am closest to leave all at the same time. Ironically I looked more emotional than most and I will be the one to see them the soonest (of everyone left in Victoria that is).
Victoria however, will be as busy as ever and I will be seeing them all in four months in Figi! If you want to follow the trip, check out salts.ca There is a trip log where their position and ship's log is updated frequently and I hear that pictures and videos willbe posted as well.
I am currently at home, despite the fact that the rest of my crew is sailing... why you ask? I am preparing to do an advanced wilderness first aid course, as I am the medical officer onboard and need to be up to date with all the "new stuff." I did more homework today that I have in a while and my brain is feeling fuzzy again, but hopefully I will be very prepared for my course which starts tomorrow. 10 days of intensive first aid... Well not quite ten. It's hard to find someone who can fill in for me on the boat, so I will be missing a few days of the course to do a trip at the end of the week, which will ne a nice break from classroom stuff.
Wish my good luck, I haven't had to do any exams for a while...