
Monday, June 04, 2007

They Left.

The Pacific Grace left me yesterday on her year long voyage. I won't say I didn't shed a few tears. They kept coming in bursts and then I'd push them back down and then they'd come out again. It was hard to watch the people that I am closest to leave all at the same time. Ironically I looked more emotional than most and I will be the one to see them the soonest (of everyone left in Victoria that is).
Victoria however, will be as busy as ever and I will be seeing them all in four months in Figi! If you want to follow the trip, check out salts.ca There is a trip log where their position and ship's log is updated frequently and I hear that pictures and videos willbe posted as well.
I am currently at home, despite the fact that the rest of my crew is sailing... why you ask? I am preparing to do an advanced wilderness first aid course, as I am the medical officer onboard and need to be up to date with all the "new stuff." I did more homework today that I have in a while and my brain is feeling fuzzy again, but hopefully I will be very prepared for my course which starts tomorrow. 10 days of intensive first aid... Well not quite ten. It's hard to find someone who can fill in for me on the boat, so I will be missing a few days of the course to do a trip at the end of the week, which will ne a nice break from classroom stuff.
Wish my good luck, I haven't had to do any exams for a while...

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