
Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Dunes of Pyla

This to me sounds like the title of a fantasy book, however it is a real place and one that I visited yesterday. Currently stationed in Bordeaux, we took a day trip to put our feet in the fidgid waters of the North Atlantic, to a little town called Arcachon. It was beatiful, and a short bus ride away, but rather long, yet beautiful walk along hte beach back were the Sand Dunes of Pyla. They are massive and have been growing steadily over the years to reach their current hieght of 117m, 3km long, and over 300m wide. Possible one of the most amazing things was that we took the less populated route and it wasn't until we were at the top that we realized we were not alone on this beautiful creation, but that there were in fact at least 15 other peaple, who had climbed the cheater way to the top by taking the short side up, while we had climbed up the side facing the ocean. I will note that sand is most treacherous to climb up... But the view from the top was beautiful!
This afternoon we will be going wine tasting at Chateau Merdoc and Le Maison du Bordeaux.

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