
Monday, January 15, 2007

The Louvre

Well after an arduous day at the Copenhagen airport I am finally in France! Today I walked downtown to The Louvre, not that downtown is particularily close, but it felt wonderful to stretch my legs. The museum was amazing, the Mona Lisa, depspite all warnings, was smaller than I expected, but the museum itself was a LOT bigger, so I guess that makes up for it. It was amazing to be seeing all these famous pieces in real life. Tomorrow we are off to St. Malo and then Dinan, which we have heard to be the jewel of Brittany, I will keep you posted.


Gillian said...

yay! Mona Lisa is pretty small, eh? And the crowds of people... anyway. Been there, done that now!
When do you get back to Canada again? I forget? See you soon!

Sarah M said...

hey gill, I'm back on the 4th to Pg and 11th to Vic. Where are you living in Vic?