
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Day 3

Wow, HOT!!! so whereas last nights class felt cool, this one was one the warmer side of the scale. Regardless, still a good one class though.
On an entirely different topic, I have one written exam left in the process of getting my 150T Ticket, and that exam is tomorrow...so I shall attempt to motivate myself to study for this mostly open book exam. This is the only one that has been open book and I have been finding myself procrastinating (i.e. tonight's blog entry) more often than actually studying.
Apparently 2 x 30 sec of "half tortoise" pose is like getting 8 hours of sleep! (not sure I'm buying that one) but maybe "half tortoise"along with sending blood to my brain and re-energizing my brain cells will increase my intelligence and memory retention... (I'm gonna have to give myself a major kick in the but it I don't pass this one!)

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